Evaluation and Learning
The Fund for Workforce Equity is committed to sharing the learnings from this initiative. We have retained SPR Associates to conduct an evaluation of the first year of this initiative and will share public-facing documents as they are available.
Theory of Change
The Fund for Workforce Equity’s Theory of Change (TOC) is intended to articulate a pathway towards its vision to improve workforce programs and their outcomes, primarily for people of color, and help advance workforce equity. It includes core assumptions, context, and constraints; inputs; strategies and activities; outputs; and anticipated immediate-, intermediate-, and long-term outcomes/systems-level impacts. While the TOC will evolve over time as new findings emerge, it offers a means for the Fund to hold itself accountable to its intentions.
Evaluation Reports
A total of fifteen workforce organizations from across the country were selected for the first round of the initiative, with fund grant awards ranging from $60,000 to $75,000 for the one-year grant cycle. In December 2022, Workforce Matters contracted with Social Policy Research Associates (SPR), a research and evaluation firm, to conduct a 12-month evaluation of the Fund for Workforce Equity’s inaugural grantmaking initiative. The evaluation addresses three core areas of inquiry: (1) assessing grantees’ activities in the Fund, (2) understanding outcomes of grantees’ work, and (3) surfacing learnings from the Fund.