Advisory Committee

Workforce Matters formed an Advisory Committee to support the Fund for Workforce Equity. The Advisory Committee is comprised of funders that contribute at least $25,000/year to the Fund and stakeholders representing workers, learners, workforce organizations, and other field partners. Advisory Committee members:

  • Assist with the development of the Request for Proposals (RFP).
  • Assist with the development of the overall strategy, priorities, learning goals, and direction of the fund.
  • Assist with fund outreach and recruitment (both of funders and potential applicants/grantees, as applicable).
  • Assist with the identification of technical assistance resources.
  • Optionally, participate on the Selection Committee, a subset of funders and stakeholders from the Advisory Committee that recommends a grant docket for approval by the Workforce Matters Steering Committee.

Current Advisory Committee Members

Raj Borsellino, Truist Foundation

Amanda Cage, National Fund for Workforce Solutions

Lizeth Chacon, Workers Defense Project

Elizabeth Cheung, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation

Stephanie Comai, Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation

Patti Constantakis,

Lauren Crain, WES Mariam Assefa Fund

Kayla Elliot, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies

Dina Emam, The Annie E. Casey Foundation

Tuquan Harrison, The James Irvine Foundation

Marci Hunn, The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation

Elaine Katz, The Kessler Foundation

Jeremy Kelley, Gates Foundation

Dr. Lauren N. King, W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Loh-Sze Leung, Workforce Matters

LaShana Lewis, L.M. Lewis Consulting

Sarah Miller, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Clair Minson, Workforce Matters

Laura Mutis, JPMorgan Chase

Ian Record, Ian Record Consulting

Luis Sandoval, Building Skills Partnership

Kim Tabari, USC Equity Research Institute

Monique Tinglin, Allstate Foundation

Kwelin Pipkin, American Institutes for Research

Melinda Wiggins, The LIFT Fund