Workforce Grantmakers in Native Nations Resources


The concept of workforce development varies by cultures. For most Native nations and communities, it is more holistic and collective than it is in non-Native mainstream cultures. In Indian Country, workforce development is about building the human capacities to rebuild Native nations and communities. It is about preserving cultures, languages, and ways of life to ensure prosperity for future generations. This includes a focus on all Native community members, young people to adults.  The links below can help build your knowledge base in this critical sector of work:


Supporting Native Workforce Development – A Guide for Funders
WGNCC Applicant Webinar

Native Workforce Development Policy and Data: The Current Landscape and Ways Philanthropy Can Strengthen Them
Developing the Native Workforce on Native Terms: Success Stories from Indian Country and Their Lessons for Philanthropy
Developing the Native Workforce: Understanding Indian Country and the Role of Philanthropy